Saturday, February 16, 2008



Brian Wimberly said...

hey thanks for stopping by, i've been super busy i wanted to return the kindness and also to say how much i like how you're style is developing! it's getting very larson-esque. good job.

Mark Welser said...

Hey, thanks! Although, I think this is probably the least Larsen-ish my stuff has looked in a long time. I've been trying some different stuff out and trying to get it so it's not as obvious...but it's tough to shake it off after doing it for so long. He's probably the biggest influence on my drawing style.

I've always drawn, but at the time in my life when I was doing the most of it and starting to get "serious" about it, Savage Dragon was literally the ONLY title I was reading for a few years so the Larsen influence is in there pretty good.